“The Daily Cup” is moving

Part of our plan in developing our new website, which debuted last year, was for “The Daily Cup” to be part of it. As you may have noticed, there is a “Blog” tab on the homepage of the web site, and if you have clicked on it, you have seen that our recent “Daily Cup” posts are there. I have been posting them there for the past several months in anticipation of this next step, which we are now ready to take.

Beginning next Monday, May 16, we will no longer make blog posts to WordPress.com and will only post them on our web site. At 8:00 a.m. each weekday, MailChimp, our email client for This Week at St. Alban’s, will send out the latest “Daily Cup” post to you. It will look something like this:

Daily Cup screen shot

As before, your comments are welcome. To leave a comment, click

Visit Blog button

which you will find at the bottom of the post, and you will be taken to the post on our web site. Scroll to the bottom of the post, and you will see this:

Blog comments

In spite of what it says, there is no need for you to login or register to make a comment. Simply type your name and comment and press “Submit Comment.”

Those are the basics. Now, I need to share a few more pieces of information with you.

  1. We have done our best to include all of you on the new email list. If Monday and Tuesday come and go next week, and you have not received “The Daily Cup,” email or call me, so that I can make sure that you are included.
  2. Those of you who read email in Microsoft Outlook may notice that images do not fully display. This is due to the unique way in which Outlook reads code. If you experience this, you can click on the “Read in browser” hyperlink near the bottom of the post, and it should display correctly there.
  3. Since we are hosting the blog now, you can visit “St. Alban’s Daily Cup” page anytime and browse the history to reread any post anytime.
  4. We are retaining our WordPress.com account, so our archive of “Daily Cup” posts will not be lost.
  5. Finally, if you have any other unforeseen issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know.



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